SauerlandRadring - Out and about on old railroad lines

SauerlandRadring / Neusta Touren / SauerlandRadring - Out and about on old railroad lines
Cycling under the sign of the bat: a cycling experience away from the road, but still on perfectly paved paths: This is what the SauerlandRadring offers.

Entspanntes Radfahren auf alten Bahntrassen

Tour starting point:


Tour destination point:



  • Culturally interesting
  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route

Additional Information


regionale Radtour


83.5 km


6:20 h

Elevation ascent

432 m

Elevation descent

432 m

Lowest point

225 m

Highest point

458 m



Recommended seasons


With a length of 84 kilometers, it appeals primarily to touring cyclists and sporty families. Half of the route is also on former railroad lines. Finnentrop, Eslohe, Schmallenberg and Lennestadt are the four main towns on the SauerlandRadring. And due to the closed loop - in addition to several other small villages - they are ideal starting points. There is no fixed start and end point, you can "hop on" at any point - just like on the train.

Some of the evidence of the railroad's past is still preserved along the route: in addition to old signaling systems and carriages, you can also marvel at old steam locomotives. And as a special highlight, the famous Kückelheim "Fledermaustunnel" awaits cyclists.

The route follows former railroad tracks, making it possible to enjoy the views in the land of a thousand mountains without breaking a sweat. Cyclists can expect a maximum gradient of 3% on the developed routes.

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0 km 25 km 50 km 75 km 250 m 300 m 350 m 400 m 450 m 500 m 228 471



Stage locations: Finnentrop - Eslohe - Schmallenberg - Lennestadt - FinnentropOrientation: Since 2015, there has been a junction system in the Sauerland for easier orientation. For the SauerlandRadring, it is therefore best to use the logo or the junction sequence as a guide.Junction sequence: 48 - 50 - 49 - 55 - 42 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 50 - 52 - 39 - 37 - 41 - 46 - 47 - 48


Information on the perfect preparation for short and long bike tours can be found at the ADFC:üstung

Safty guidelines

A rescue point system has been installed throughout the region (Soest district, Hochsauerlandkreis, Märkischer Kreis, Olpe district and Siegen-Wittgenstein district). Rescue points can be found on the information boards at the junctions of the Südwestfalen cycle network, among other places

Author Tip

The HenneseeSchleife loop of the SauerlandRadring extends the tour by 40 km to Meschede along the Hennesee.


BVA Cycling Guide Old Railway Routes in the Sauerland 1:50,000: € 14.95


BVA ADFC regional map Sauerland (with junction system) 1:75,000: € 8.95 or BVA cycling guide Old railroad routes in the Sauerland 1:50,000: € 14.95 Order via: (plus € 2.50 packaging and shipping)

Public transiot

You can easily reach the SauerlandRadring by public transport. The train stations in Finnentrop, Grevenbrück and Altenhundem are the ideal starting points.

There is also a comprehensive bus service between the communities along the route.

Getting there

Along the route you will find a large number of parking lots that are suitable as a starting point for your cycle tour. You can find a list of parking spaces on our homepage.


You can find a list of parking spaces along the SauerlandRadring at

Interesting places in the neighbourhood