AndRes Alme Stub'n

WC facilities | rest area

SauerlandRadring / Neusta POIs / AndRes Alme Stub'n

Here you will find one of the public "nice toilets" of the city of Winterberg.



AndRes Alme Stub'n

Hauptstraße 28

59955 Winterberg

In Winterberg, you will always find a free and clean toilet in the town center!

The participating retail, service and catering businesses are marked with "nice" blue stickers and provide a special service for citizens and guests during their regular opening hours.

Main opening times:

Day From Until
Tuesday 17:30 22:00
Wednesday 17:30 22:00
Thursday 17:30 22:00
Friday 17:30 23:00
Saturday 17:30 23:00

Tours in the neighbourhood