Due to the forestry work caused by the bark beetle infestation, some sections on the cycle paths in the Sauerland may be affected. Since these areas can shift again and again, it is unfortunately hardly possible to name the concrete sections always up-to-date. We try to mark the closures on this page or on Outdooractive.
We also ask for your understanding that some trails are not accessible at all or only with difficulty due to logging. For the most part, this refers to trails in the forest. However, forestry work may also occur on touring bike routes that border a forest area. We would also like to ask you to observe closures and notices.
Thank you for your understanding of the current situation. If you are planning a bicycle tour, please inform yourself in advance at the tourist information offices or on this page.
You can find more information on this topic at https://www.sauerland.com/de/service/gut-zu-wissen/unser-wald-in-suedwestfalen.